Happy New Year!!!
Hope all of you had a good one! Mine was great, but it would be more awesome if I was able to go home to Cebu and spend it with my family. I thought I'd make a list of my goals this year, but I realize I've been doing it for the past years and I can't seem to follow it for some reasons (laziness maybe?) but again I'll still try.
Right now, everything's been good to me and I just want to continue it that way. I am so thankful for having a family that supports me and still makes me feel loved even if I'm islands away from them and friends who continue to encourage me in the best possible way they can. Slowly and surely I've changed a lot of things in me, this new career made me feel great and happy with my life, all those 4 years of stress made me stronger and confident in the way I handle myself everyday. A lot of people say I've glowed and became more happier! So I'm sharing you below my recent pictures. I hope they do the justice!
Puppy Love ♥ |
I've regained my fashion interest! |
The courage to pose in front of a busy crowd! |
Blooming eh? |
Coffee anyone? |
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! |
This is year is all about making making my dreams come true! and by that reaching my goals not just for myself but for my family. Hope you all had a great year ahead!
Cheers to another 365 days of happiness!
Opps makes that 357 because this post has been so over due!
iamdriza ♥♥♥