If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
Id play a song that would never, ever end
How Id love, love, love to dance with my father again
today, marks the 8th year of my father's death.
today, was the day He tooked you away from us.
8 years has passed, but i am still left grieving...
i am left missing you... and i am left wishing you are still here.
i regret not being able to tell you how i am proud of having a father like you...
i regret not being ablet to let you feel how much i love you... :(
you have inspired a lot of lives, have helped a lot of people whether or not they are your relative, and have shown us your goodness in all ways.
i know you are with Him right now, and that you are looking upon us...
Indeed you are a great man, and will always be remembered!
i miss you so much Papa... ;(
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